Wapka Facebook Phishing
PHISHING code for facebook hacking Auto Like Facebook Accont Secrity Teen Patti Phishing Code using WAPKA Note: It’s only for education purpose don’t use it to fraud. Admin is not responsible for whatever you will do from your newly acquired knowledge. AS THE TITLE OF OUR POST SUGGEST THAT TODAY WE ARE GOING TO LEARN PHISHING VIA. As the tile of our post suggest that today we are going to learn facebook phishing via mobile.wapka is site which is used to perform mobile phishing.as all of you know that to perform a phishing attack we need a web hosting, for this purpose we choose wapka (free web hosting for mobile).a huge advantage provided by wapka is that it doesn’t block our account while we are performing. Now you can see your fully designed facebook phishing page. But there'll be only one filed instead of 'Email or Phone' and 'Password' fields. Don't worry, wapka won't ask usernames when you are logged in.
Hello, in this tutorial you will learn how to Hacking GMail Using Phishing Method and Prevention utilizing Wapka that send the passwords,Gmail id,browser and IP address of the victim to your email id.
About Wapka
Wapka is free website creation platform with free website hosting where we can create phising website in minute and good thing about wapka is that it is very user friendly and we don’t need to much deep info about PHP or MySql.
A huge advantage provided by wapka is that it doesn’t block our account while we are performing our phishing attack as other free hosting websites does.
This tutorial is designed for everyone who like hacking but don’t want to learn high coding skills.
- A mail account for registration.
- Basic knowledge of HTML.
- Basic knowledge of Gmail.
- Basic knowledge of Website Creation.
- A Victim
We are going to create a phishing website which will looks like Gmail mobile website and send us victim details in our email id with passwords , email id , IP address and browser information.
Purpose of this tutorials and how will it benefit to you.
I always want to learn hacking from childhood but the main problems is hacking is not easy at its shows in movie .It need a lot of technical knowledge like coding skills , programming and a lot more.
This is the situation when we need this tutorial come into light. Phishing is the easiest method to hack Facebook and Gmail account.Phishing doesn’t need any type of technical knowledge. You can create a phishing website just by copy and paste in a simple page of HTML code.
Step by Step Guide Hacking GMail Using Phishing Method and Prevention:
Wapka Facebook Phishing Code 2015
1. Register a new Wapka Account First create a new wapka account by clicking here.
2. Now login to your account and go to Site List and create a new site.
3. Enter site name [ using a to z character and 0 to 9 numbers , no special character allowed]
Wapka Facebook Phishing
4. In my case, I have created newgmail21@wapka.mobi Then click on Manage. You will find this screen.
5. Now you have 2 modes available, Click on Admin mode.
6. As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page. it’s blank because till now you do nothing to your newly created site. At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.
7. You will see this screen with lot of option Now you need to click at Mail form.
8. You will get following screen .Enable CAPTCHA pictures: (uncheck it).
Now press Submit & Remember Don’t set it admin mode.
9. Now Your need your site id to get victim details at your registered email id.
Step by Step to get your site id Follow the steps:9a. Go to site list then click on your site. Don’t click on admin mode , Scroll down and click on source code viewer.
9b. and now put your site link in the box then you will find this . Check Value [In My Case It Is 184249271 ] and note it.
Now the main work of this tutorial is collecting like the value=”184249271″ code by source. You need to search that value carefully.
10. After Getting the value=”XXXXXXXX” code you must hide the mailform in Admin Mode. To hide it on Admin Mode.
Click at your site than admin mode .Now here you will find blank site. Just Click it “Edit site ” like step no 3, then click Users.
Click at Items visibility and choose X from drop down menu.
Now it’s Done. Here is the Final steps.
11. Click on your site in admin mode then click Edit site than WML/XHTML code and paste there this phishing code.
12. Replace the value=”XXXXXXX” to yours. This is how your newly made phishing website will look.
13. Now the main Question that How can i get The Hacked Username and Password? When some one will enter details about his/her in your phishing site you will get a email from wapka.mobi like this and you will get the hacked User name & Password [With IP Address and Browser ] at your Mail inbox which you have used in Wapka.mobi Registration.
Addition Note
- You can not share wapka url at Facebook as they have blocked all wapka url.
- You can not surf wapka site in India because Government of India blocked all wapka site from January ,2016. [You need to use proxy site to to perform all above task.]
How Attacker Get more victim
- They Shorten their phishing website url.
- They share URL in whatsapp/viber group where people don’t have understanding about computer security.
- They use social engineering to get more victims.
- They send this URL by email to victims.
How to prevent yourself from Hacking GMail Using Phishing Method attacks
- Check the URL bar and make sure it has “https” because every Google site enables https.
- Don’t click any link in Whatsapp, social media and in SMS which claims “Free Offer, Free Lottery ,Free Insurance,Free Net” etc.
- Don’t Click any unknown email especially from girls name . This is one of social engineering tricks.
- The best method to getting more clients is social engineering and same the best method to prevent yourself from phishing is “not to catch yourself in social engineering “.
About Author
I am Nekraj Bhartiya owner of seofreetips.net I love to learning and sharing daily new hacking activity.
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In this tutorial, we’re going to take a close look at how to setup a phishing page to harvest usernames and passwords that can be used to hack other users’ Facebook accounts. However, and I can’t stress this enough, this knowledge should never be used to attack others in the real world. It simply isn’t legal, and it isn’t moral, either. If you’ve ever had your username or password stolen, you know how bad it feels when others have violated your privacy.
If you’re reading this with the hopes of learning how to gain access to countless users’ Facebook credentials, I should instead refer you to philosophical ideas on morality. Keeping that in mind, there is a lot of value, especially for aspiring hackers, in understanding how phishing works. Not only will it help you avoid mistakes that threaten your security and privacy, but it will also help you spot fishy phishing sites.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is the process of setting up a fake website or webpage that basically imitates another website. Attackers frequently employ this method to steal usernames and passwords. Most frequently, the process works as follows:
A user clicks on a bad link to a phishing site. Believing they are viewing the intended web page, they enter their login credentials to access the web service. There’s just one problem. The user, who is really the attacker’s victim, actually entered their private information into a hacker’s website. And now the hacker has their login credentials! In Facebook, this may not be as consequential as another website, like online banking.
However, the hacker can now wreak ungodly amounts of havoc on a person’s social life. If it happens to be a business’s Facebook profile, they can damage their business. Today, however, we are going to setup an imitation Facebook login page to show you just how easy it is to start phishing. Let’s take a closer look at the steps required.
- Pull up Facebook.com in your browser. Then, right click on the website’s login page. You should see an option along the lines of “view source page.” Click on this option and you should be able to view the code behind this page.
- Go ahead and dump all of the page’s source code into Notepad (or your operating system’s best simple text editor).
- If using Notepad, hit ctrl f (which is the find hotkey) and search for action.
- You should see a line that looks like this: action=”https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1″
- Delete everything contained in the quotations, and instead fill the quotes with post.php. Now it should read action=”post.php”
- Save this file somewhere on your computer with the file name of index.htm. Omit the final period from the filename. This is going to become your phishing page.
- Next, create a new notepad document with the name of post.php. Omit the final period from the filename. Copy and paste the following code into this document, and remember to save it:
header (‘Location:http://www.facebook.com/’);
$handle = fopen(“usernames.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “rn”);
fwrite($handle, “rn”);
Wapka Facebook Phishing Code 2020
- At this point, you should now have two files saved: index.htm and post.php.
- Next, this code actually needs to be uploaded to a web hosting service. There are free hosting providers, but I wouldn’t recommend you actually post this code. Instead, it would be better to try this at home on your own webserver. However, for the rest of the tutorial, we’ll be using Bluehost.
- After you have signed up for an account, browse to the control panel, and then to file manager.
- Once the window opens, go to publick_html.
- Delete default.php, and then upload index.htm and post.php.
- Next, click on a preview of index.htm. As you’ll notice, it should look nearly identical to the Facebook login page.
- The URL of this page is what needs to be linked to in an attack. Sometimes attackers imbed this false link on other websites, forums, popup ads, and even emails.
- Now go back to the file manager and public_html. There should be a file labeled username.txt.
- Open this file and you should be able to see login credentials that have been entered by a test user.
Final Thoughts
It really is a simple matter of copying the code from the Facebook login screen, adding some php code, and then setting up a dummy website. Again, don’t try this in the real world, because the consequences could be terrible. However, in a home environment on your own web server, this tutorial provides great insight into how attackers phish for usernames and passwords.