Teeth Of Naros Walkthrough

The Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning The Teeth of Naros Walkthroughwill guide you through the complete DLC sidequest and all the new features that it comes with. The DLC comes with the the new city of Idylla, that floats above the Teeth of Naros. The city has more than 20 side quests and a new race. Take on a crucible of faith filled with fantastic new enemies and determine if you are fated to be favored by the gods or forsaken by them. In an epic new journey filled with tons of side quests, adventure through a paradise seen by few, and for good reason. Ascend to the floating city above Teeth of Naros and get a glimpse into the future of. The Teeth of Naros is a Quest in Kingdoms of Amalur:Re-Reckoning. The Teeth of Naros is the first Main Quest available to the player in the Teeth of Naros DLC Completing The Teeth of Naros will progress the story forward. I've heard of an expedition of mercenaries that discovered a route to the Teeth of Naros, an unexplored land to the south of Dalentarth. Thematically, the Teeth of Naros and its floating city of Idylla are based heavily on ancient Greece, both in the architecture and much of the culture. There's a lot of it to go around, and I have to wonder just how on earth 38 Studios are able to build such a huge world in such short order. The entire region is home to a new race of people.

  1. Teeth Of Naros Level
  2. Walkthrough For Kingdom Of Amalur
Quests in KoA: Re-Reckoning
A Brutal Contract ♦ A Master's Touch ♦ A Page-Turner ♦ A Pilgrim's Setback ♦ A Second to a Duel ♦ A Silver Tongue ♦ A Tangled Web ♦ Aggressive Brownies ♦ An Old Friend ♦ Applied Science ♦ Aron Excavations ♦ Ashes to Ashes ♦ Back to Basics ♦ Bad Blood ♦ Ballad of Bloody Bones ♦ Band of Brother Monks ♦ Bell, Book and Candle ♦ Bloodbane ♦ Bone Town ♦ Breaking The Siege ♦ Brother Fallon's Beads ♦ Building Bridges ♦ Buried Alive ♦ Castor's Wrath ♦ Circles of Strife ♦ Collections ♦ Community Service ♦ Crisis of Faith ♦ Cursed Kingdom ♦ Cutting the Threads ♦ Dangerous Games ♦ Dangers of the Sidhe ♦ Deserters' Deserts ♦ Dramatis Personae ♦ Echoes of the Past ♦ Enemies in High Places ♦ Every Sparrow Fallen ♦ Executive Orders ♦ Fae at the Mine ♦ Fellfire Bloom ♦ Floodgates ♦ Going Primal ♦ Good with Locks ♦ Gossamer End ♦ Grim Harvest ♦ Hair of the Dog ♦ Hand-Delivered ♦ Her Righteous Fury ♦ His Brother's Keeper ♦ Hoarders in the Sewer ♦ Homecoming ♦ Hunting the Thresh ♦ Imelda's Charm ♦ Into the Breach ♦ Into the Light ♦ Keeper of the Keys ♦ Kidnapped ♦ Knowledge Lost ♦ Lab Assistant ♦ Labor of Love ♦ Leaky Faucets ♦ Learning Curve ♦ Lost ♦ Lost in the Sewers ♦ Making Enemies ♦ Members Only ♦ Miners in the Sand ♦ Missing Keys ♦ Mixing Business ♦ Myrrine's Burden ♦ Niahm's Labors ♦ Of My Own Invention ♦ Oh, the Indignitaries ♦ Old Friends, New Foes ♦ One Drop ♦ Opening a Vein ♦ Order of Operations ♦ Out of the Darkness ♦ Out of the Past ♦ Out of the Ruins ♦ Paper Trail ♦ Plagueshield ♦ Pride Before a Fall ♦ Raising the Dead ♦ Rallying Cry ♦ Ratofer's Pawns ♦ Recipe for Trouble ♦ Reckoning ♦ Red in Tooth and Claw ♦ Reprisal, Reprised ♦ Resting the Bones ♦ Return to Sender ♦ Rivener Tarsus (Quest) ♦ Rock Collection ♦ Rogue Harvest ♦ Runaways ♦ Running with Scalpels ♦ School of Hard Knocks ♦ Shine and Shadow (Quest) ♦ Shipping Error ♦ Silence Falls ♦ Sisterly Love ♦ Song of Sir Sagrell ♦ Spider Season ♦ Stowaway ♦ Strict Accounts ♦ Taking Vengeance ♦ The Antelope ♦ The Best Defense ♦ The Brownie Den ♦ The Champions ♦ The Coming Storm ♦ The Commendation ♦ The Crossing ♦ The Cynrics ♦ The Darkvari ♦ The Erathell's Blessing ♦ The Fisherman's Bride ♦ The Flowering ♦ The Great Game ♦ The Great General ♦ The Guided Hands ♦ The Heart of Sibun ♦ The Height of Crime ♦ The Hero and the Maid ♦ The Hunters Hunted ♦ The Lord Kandrian ♦ The Lost Litanies ♦ The Messenger ♦ The Natural Order ♦ The Orison ♦ The Road Patrol ♦ The Sewer Run ♦ The Tinker's Daughter ♦ The Tithes that Bind ♦ The Treasures of Culn ♦ The Valley of the Blessed ♦ The Waters of Madness ♦ The Widow's Wrath ♦ The Zungars ♦ They Walk Among Us ♦ Tidings of War ♦ Time of Need ♦ Tirin's Secret ♦ Trial by Fire ♦ Two Knights and a Troll ♦ Ungentle Beasts ♦ Unlucky Charm ♦ Uprising ♦ Vane's Luck ♦ What Ales You ♦ What Lies Beneath ♦ Whereabouts Unknown ♦ Will and Waters ♦ Worth Fighting For ♦ Wrest from Peace
Teeth Of Naros WalkthroughNaros

So, after you copied the DLC to the game folder, this task becomes available in the Main quest section. Begin to establish contacts with the expedition. Head south to Dalentarth and near the ruins in the south of Ettinmere find and go to Helic’s Camp.

Communicate with Elik, take the task and together with it, pass into the Southern Passage. Make our way deep into the cave, helping the expedition in the battle with spiders and rats. After the expedition finds a motionless body, and you talk with Elik, continue to move on. After meeting with new monsters, Elik will be injured. You can give him a healing potion, but he will still limp. Run forward, open the door in the form of a semicircle by pressing the large blue button to the right of it. You are looking for a way out, kill rats along the way, go through three consecutive semicircular doors and climb up a long staircase. Take the ancient artifact from the pedestal, communicate with a strange voice, then leave the cave.

Teeth of naros dlc

Rites of passage

Run forward, jump down, watch a video and talk with a giant. Kill the three enemies, talk again with Secandra and run to the Remes camp, where you talk with our new friend. Next, go inside the Kahrunk tower, make our way through it and climb to the top. Kill Verlord Kakhrunk, deal with other enemies and jump down the ledges. Or you can immediately go to the Remes camp on the map and talk with Secandra. We communicate with the giantess, follow her to the portal to Idilla. Speak again with Secandra, then activate the portal and move to Idilla.

Shapen in Iniquity

Upon arrival, talk with Secandra and follow her. A conversation will begin twice on the way. After the second time, you pass through the gate on your own, go up and talk with Primos, so to speak, the King of Giants. Having taken the task, go downstairs, communicate with Secandra and through the hatch nearby you go down to the catacombs. Make our way deep into the desired door, and pass through it. Together with Secandra, kill the looters, open the sarcophagus and get the ring. Return to Primos and give him the ring. At the end of the dialogue with Anokatos, who is the Primos of Idilla, run to a new control point and activate the portal to go down from Idilla.

Move to the indicated point where Anokatos is waiting for us, kill several Pterixes with him, search Alpha Pterix and pick up the red feathers. After a conversation with Anokatos, we follow further, kill another group of enemies and pick up another feathers. Pass to the cave and follow through it to the top of the mountain. It is important to be there with Anokatos. If you are there alone and kill the Pterix, take the feathers and go down, then Anokatos will not speak to you (such a mistake). So, at the top of Airy, kill the Pterix, pick up the feathers and talk to Anokatos. Immediately take a new task from him.

Into temptation

Follow to the fortress of Hyperion (something like a later day) and talk with Anokatos standing on the stairs. Follow with Anokatos, when he stops, jump down two ledges, run up to the magic ball and click on it. The ball will activate and create a bridge for the further movement of Anokatos. Move further, again jump down three ledges, run down the stairs and activate the ball. Approach the door, which opens automatically. Follow Anokatos to the place of the ritual, get into a small round pool and wait. After the cut-scene you deal with enemies.

Teeth Of Naros Walkthrough

Teeth Of Naros Level

The Perpetual Desolations

You get out of the fortress, along the way kill enemies and, in the end, communicate with Secandra. Move further, deal with opponents, once again you talk automatically, and then leave the fortress. On the map, you move to the underground fortress of Nyxaros, go inside and talk with Secandra. Move down, kill the enemies, approach the stone head and listen to a strange voice. Move forward, at the end of the cave we kill all enemies. We talk with Secandra, choose one of two ways. One will be with more enemies (the active point is closer), the other will be with less (the active point is farther, behind the turn). One way or another, in the end you talk with Arkes, then with Secandra, after which we leave the fortress.


Move to the portal to Idilla, communicate with Secandra about everything and move to a place called Earth Shrine. Activate the stone head, pass into the caves through the hole that has appeared. Follow the blue ball, which shows the path, kill the enemies along the path, then activate some strange crystal. After talking with Secandra, follow the ball further, kill the enemies, the ball will open us the way forward, where it will be necessary to defeat the looter and wolves. Get out of the cave, follow the new location – Air Shrine.

Activate the statue, go into the cave and see two active points. Make our way to them and become in the center of small vortices to scatter them. Run to the beginning of the cave, go straight from it, because now the bridge over the cliff is formed by winds. Kill the golem, approach the edge and press F to activate the crystal. Now go to the fortress and kill the villain. Run away from the fortress until everything is destroyed.

Short campaign DLC The Teeth of Naros is complited.

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